Nurturing Excellence in

Canadian Healthcare

Our Mission

To bring all Canadian physicians of Pakistani descent under one umbrella platform in Canada, with the primary aim to strengthen and support professional and personal well-being of both existing and new Pakistani descent Canadian physicians.

The association shall maintain recognition as a professional, transparent, non-political and non-charitable unifying body, that promotes equality and excellence in professional, education and research innovation for healthcare in Canada.

Summary of APPIC

  • There has been a steady increase in the number of physicians of Pakistani descent in Canada. Whereas we may be familiar with some local Pakistan descent physician colleagues and local provincial organization, a pan Canadian national umbrella organization dedicated to support physician of Pakistani descent for their optimal growth in our adopted country, Canada, is currently lacking.

  • A Canada wide organization, the Association of Physicians of Pakistani Descent in Canada (APPIC), will Improve networking and advocacy for physicians of Pakistani descent in Canada, including those already in practice and for international medical graduates (IMG) wishing to settle and practice in Canada.

  • APPIC will work closely with existing regional Pakistani physician entities, and all other regional, provincial, national and international medical associations/entities to promote complimentary activities and their overall aim and vision.

  • APPIC will organize and facilitate national and regional conferences and educational events, thereby promoting clinical, educational, research, employment, and networking opportunities for all physicians in Canada (APPIC members and non-members).


  • To provide professional, educational and employment guidance and create and facilitate such opportunities for both existing and new physicians of Pakistani decent in Canada.

  • To provide and facilitate opportunities for ongoing and lifelong learning of both in training and practicing physicians of Pakistani descent in Canada.

  • To provide guidance and advocacy for successful integration of physicians of Pakistani descent into local communities and in Canada at large, especially with respect to cultural, social and both regional and national neds, standards, and expectations.

  • To strongly advocate and strategize for the group goals at both national and international level and work alongside other organizations (both charitable and non-charitable) to facilitate healthcare in Canada.

Our Vision

  • To achieve inclusivity, equality, transparency, social justice, collaboration, and partnership among physicians in Canada.

  • To achieve clinical and academic excellence by promoting health care education and clinical and research opportunities in Canada.

  • Finally, to further strengthen the Canadian healthcare system by establishing and maintaining a strong, cohesive Pakistani physician community in Canada that works alongside and in partnership with other local and national similar groups, organizations, and charitable agencies.

APPIC Membership

Membership Benefits/Privileges

  1. Members will have right to vote with respect to matters relating to APPIC brought before the membership and to hold office as an officer or member of the Board of Directors.

  2. Members will have the ability to address and advocate for matters relating to them, their physician community and community at large as one strong voice.

  3. Members will have ability to connect and network widely with their Pakistani origin physician colleagues both locally and across Canada, resulting in a much broader and stronger network under the umbrella of APPIC.

  4. Members shall be entitled to a reduced registration and conference related expenses for the annual conference, CME, social events, and other activities held by APPIC and its partner organizations.